Recommendations after implantation

Recommendations after implantation

To avoid complications, follow these recommendations after surgery:

  • in the first 2-3 hours do not eat or drink (only water in small sips )
  • for 2-3 days exclude hard, spicy and hot food from your diet
  • for 2-3 days do not take too hot showers, do not visit the sauna or solarium, exclude physical activity
  • do not use rinses and ointments without the special recommendation of a doctor
  • be sure to observe oral hygiene, but refrain from «sharp and rough movements», very hard toothbrush and aggressive toothpastes, such as whitening toothpaste
  • avoid touching the wound (including with your tongue)
  • monitor your blood pressure if you have cardiovascular problems
  • Immediately after surgery, apply ice (wrapped in a thin towel) to the wound area for 15-20 minutes at intervals of 1 hour, do this throughout the day

In the postoperative period, there may be unusual or unpleasant feelings and appearances, which do not need to be afraid. For example:

  • slight pain in the wound area
  • swelling of soft tissues in the oral cavity
  • body temperatureincrease (especially in the evening) up to 38.5 degrees Celsius
  • slight bleeding from the wound
  • total weakness
  • small bruises
  • a feeling of tightness when opening the mouth
  • pain when eating, swallowing or talking

If you follow your doctor’s recommendations, all of the above symptoms will go away on their own within 7-10 days .

See also