Bouquet of flowers

Would you like to make your gift even more special? We suggest you add a beautiful bouquet of flowers to your gift certificate. There is something magic in the combination of fresh flowers and a special gift that can bring real joy to the recipient.

Our courier will be happy to deliver your plastic card in a stylish envelope with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You can choose a bouquet from our assortment or specify your preferences in the «notes» field when you make an order.

Original price was: 15000 AMD.Current price is: 9900 AMD.


Imagine the look of your loved one’s face, recieving from courier hands a stylish envelope with a gift certificate and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It will be not only an unique gift, but an unforgettable impression that will remain in memory. We strive to create maximum comfort and joy for our customers, so we offer you the opportunity to add that magical touch to your gift. Do not miss the opportunity to make your gift unique and memorable. Order a beautiful bouquet of flowers in addition to your gift certificate and create a real festive atmosphere.

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